Tre nuove ricette consentite
The Federal Agency for Chemicals has issued another general ruling: pharmacies in Germany are allowed to produce ethanol, chloramine-T and sodium hypochlorite-containing biocidal products for surface disinfection for distribution to professional users.
Recipe 1: Ethanol 80% (v/v) in aqueous solution for the treatment of areas up to 2 m2, the exposure time is 15 minutes.
The ethanol used must have a minimum purity of 96% (v/v) and can be denatured or undenatured. In addition, the manufacturer must ensure that there are no dangerous contaminants (for example, no CMR substances above 0.1% or skin-sensitizing substances). The purity is to be verified by means of a corresponding certificate of analysis from the manufacturer.
Raw alcohol/distillates should have a minimum purity of 80%. The recipe should be adjusted so that 80% of the active ingredient ethanol is contained in the disinfectant. The manufacturer (distillery or brewery) must ensure that it does not contain any dangerous contaminants.
Recipe 2: 0.5% (w/w) sodium hypochlorite in aqueous solution PanReac Applichem product number 212297.1211 (1L) or 212297.1214 (5L)
If the solution is used against enveloped viruses, this may only be done on clean, dry surfaces. However, if they are dirty, the surface must be cleaned before disinfection. The minimum contact time is 30 minutes.
Recipe 3: 2.5% (w/w) chloramine-T in aqueous solution PanReac AppliChem product number: 142323.1209 (250g)
Requirements: The minimum purity for chloramine-T is 98% (w/w). The manufacturer must ensure that it does not contain any dangerous contaminants. In addition, the purity of the active ingredient must be documented by the manufacturer's corresponding certificate of analysis. The exposure time is 120 minutes.
Read also: www.apotheke-adhoc.de/nachrichten