
Compact photometer PF-3 Pool, without reagents for evaluation of VISOCOLOR ECO tests and NANOCOLOR tube tests with calibration cuvette, 4 empty tubes, beaker, 5 mL syringe, 3 batteries, manual, instruction "VISOCOLOR ECO Test instructions for compact photometer PF-3" and certificate, in rugged case. Macherey-Nagel


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1 un.-pack
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unico 956,02€
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Product Code:
Product Name:
Compact photometer PF-3 Pool, without reagents for evaluation of VISOCOLOR ECO tests and NANOCOLOR tube tests with calibration cuvette, 4 empty tubes, beaker, 5 mL syringe, 3 batteries, manual, instruction "VISOCOLOR ECO Test instructions for compact photometer PF-3" and certificate, in rugged case. Macherey-Nagel
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