All ITW Companies are working together to drive progress for our people, our communities and the environment.
ITW’s sustainability strategy is built around four key elements: Our Governance & Ethics, Our People, Our Communities, Our Environment. As part of our vision to be one of the world’s best performing, highest quality and most-respected industrial companies, we will continue to support our communities and our employees to make a difference in the world around us.
We invite you to learn more about our sustainability strategy here

Based on the ITW Group behavior principles, we constantly control the whole lifecycle of our products and the legal compliance of our providers. We ensure monitoring thereof through regular audits and the certification of Environmental Standard ISO 14001:2004.
Many of our products are hazardous to health and the environment and the risks arising from their handling must be known. Appropriate work methods should be adopted, paying particular care to safety pictograms and detailed information in the safety data sheets on areas such as waste management, first aid, and physical and chemical data, which is of great help when handling the products.
The hazardous substances waste and packaging that contained this are classified as special waste and should be delivered to an authorized waste manager. Particular attention should be given so these products do not reach the sewage network and in the event of accidental disposal, fire, or uncontrolled gas emissions, must be notified immediately to the competent authority to minimize the impact on the environment.
We offer advice to customers who have problems or doubts about the handling of production waste or that need information about how to act in the event of an emergency.

Social Investments