About PanReac AppliChem and the ITW Reagents Division
In 2010, the ITW Reagents division was formed through the integration of three companies: Panreac Química S.L.U. (Spain, 1941), Nova Chimica Srl (Italy, 1980; now ITW Reagents S.R.L.), and AppliChem GmbH (Germany, 1992).The division combines the experience and expertise of these three well-established companies to provide high-purity excipients and laboratory products to the most demanding pharmaceutical and healthcare customers. We leverage our expertise in chemical processing and purification in a highly regulated and constantly evolving environment, in collaboration with our preferred distributors in the laboratory sector.
The ITW Reagents division has two production plants in Darmstadt (Germany) and Barcelona (Spain) and markets its products under the PanReac AppliChem brand.
Nowadays ITW Reagents markets its products worldwide through an extensive distribution network in more than 50 countries under the brand PanReac AppliChem.
About ITW – Illinois Tool Works
Since its founding in Chicago (USA) more than 100 years ago, ITW has become one of the world’s leading diversified manufacturers of specialized industrial equipment, consumables and related service businesses.ITW business serve local customers and markets around the globe. The company has operations in 57 countries that employ more than 48.000 people who adhere to the highest ethical standards. Read more about ITW here.
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